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Recent publication: Cognitive decline and blood pressure targets in the elderly

Nov 22, 2021 – The results of a systematic review exploring the association of intensive (ie, lower than usual) blood pressure (BP) reduction vs standard BP management with the incidence of cognitive decline and dementia in adults with hypertension have been published in JAMA: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2786418

In summary: Current available evidence does not justify the use of lower BP targets for the prevention of cognitive decline and dementia.

An article in ULaval – News is also available (in French): https://nouvelles.ulaval.ca/2021/11/22/declin-cognitif-abaisser-davantage-la-pression-arterielle-ne-semble-pas-etre-la-solution-3a9c902280d3171639f43010a0ab866e?sourceOrganizationKey=ulaval

Our team and researchers were involved in this systematic review.
