Nov 22, 2021 – In a large international randomized clinical trial of more than 2,000 patients with COVID-19 and hospitalized in intensive care units worldwide, treatment with convalescent plasma showed a low likelihood of improving the number of days alive without organ support therapy.
Read the publication in JAMA:
The publication in JAMA confirms the futility of this treatment, which consisted of two units of ABO-compatible convalescent plasma containing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, when given in a nonspecific manner. These findings have had major implications for practice around the world, including in the United States where convalescent plasma has been part of the standard of care for more than a year.
A commentary is also available on the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval website (in French):
This clinical trial was co-directed by Dr. Alexis Turgeon, and supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Our team and researchers contributed greatly to this international clinical trial.