Improving the care of critically ill brain-injured and trauma patients

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HEMOTION results published in the NEJM

Jun 13, 2024 – We are very pleased and proud to share that the results of the HEMOTION trial, led by Alexis Turgeon and his co-PIs François Lauzier and Dean Fergusson, has just been published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: Conducted in 34 hospitals in Canada, the UK, France and Brazil,… Read more »

Presentation of results from the HEMOTION clinical trial

Jun 13, 2024 – The results of the HEMOTION clinical trial were presented and unveiled today at 11 a.m., Quebec time, at the international CCR24 congress (Critical Care Reviews Meeting CCR24, June 12-14, 2024), in Belfast (Ireland): View presentation on Vimeo HEMOTION results are scheduled for publication in a prestigious journal.


Finding better ways to treat neurocritically ill patients

Our mission is to improve bedside management strategies and health outcomes of critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury, by carrying out patient-oriented research and implementing evidence-based informed decision-making.

The Chair

This Chair targets patient-oriented applied clinical research at the bedside of critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Alexis F. Turgeon

Our team is specialized in clinical applied research focused on improving the care of critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury. The goal of our research is to improve bedside practices and health outcomes in this group of patients by using evidence-based, patient-centered decision-making. Our projects are carried out in collaboration with the Canadian Traumatic brain injury Research Consortium (CTRC), the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), the Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group (PACT) and other groups worldwide.
